Alumni Spotlight

Melissa De Varona ’16 makes a difference

Donor Spotlight
Melissa De Varona ’16
Paul W Bell Middle School, Future Teacher

Melissa De VaronaWhat do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
FIU made my college experience wonderful because the faculty and staff genuinely care about the student’s success. FIU also has great clubs and Greek life which made my time unforgettable.

What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
Investing in FIU is investing in yourself. If you are an alum, investing in FIU is improving the quality of your diploma. If you are not an alum, investing in FIU is investing in your future because these are the people who will be in charge.

Why do you think giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students?
Giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students because every year federal and state educational funding is further cut. We need people like you to donate so FIU and its students can continue to prosper.

Where has life taken you since graduating from FIU?
I recently graduated in 2016, so I am still on my way to success. However, every time I mention I am an FIU graduate people definitely take a second look. FIU is becoming a prestigious school.

Why do you feel it is important for alumni & donors to stay engaged/connected with FIU?
It is important for alumni and donors to stay engaged and connected with FIU because there are always opportunities for growth, aside from growth opportunities you can provide to students as well. Moreover, its rewarding to see how your donation is making a change, seeing the progress the school is making, and nonetheless to enjoy fun events, like homecoming.

How did FIU prepare you to get where you are professionally?
FIU made me a competitive woman in the workforce. I don’t feel intimidated by other candidates who might have more experience, money, or come from more prestigious schools because I know that I have what it takes to be successful thanks to my experiences at FIU.

What advice would you give to students and young alumni?
I would tell students and young alumni to always proudly showcase FIU and tell everyone where you came from because we all make it a better school with our individual successes. As well as to come back to FIU to encourage other students, volunteer time, or donate money because there are plenty of ways to give back.

Melissa is a proud donor of the 2016 Class Gift Campaign. We invite you to learn more about this initiative. 

Are you an FIU donor? We want to hear from you! Submit your Spotlight Nomination Form today

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