Alumni Spotlight

Donor Spotlight: Jonathan Cameron, CFP ’07

Jonathan Cameron, CFP ’07

Jonathan-Cameron-200x300What do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
There is an energy and a palpable momentum building at FIU. Who doesn’t want to be a part of that? It is also exciting to meet other alumni, hear their stories of success, and learn from their ideas and personal experience. Because of this I am involved on the English Alumni, Honors College Community Advisory, and Honors College Alumni boards. The future of this university is bright and all alumni stand to benefit.

What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
Be creative. Though important, writing a check isn’t the only way to give. Become involved in an area of the university where you’d like to foster growth. Go to university functions to which you are invited. Join an advisory board or start a new one of it doesn’t exist. Your time and commitment are currencies that can be just as valuable as cash. Gifts in kind or a planned gift of life insurance can be great ways to make a difference. I love to meet with people who would like to be generous. There are many creative ways to give, and sometimes all that is needed is to connect with the right person or area.

Where has life taken you since graduating from FIU?
After working 8 years in financial services, in 2014 I launched the startup financial planning firm CameronDowning in Miami, FL with my business partner, Glenn Downing. It is hard to find trustworthy, top-notch financial advice if you’re not already wealthy. We offer top-notch financial advice to the average person without requiring an asset minimum to work with us. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, I serve three types of clients: young professionals, those nearing retirement, and international investors. Our mission is to be accessible experts helping clients to achieve their financial goals. We’ve followed the example of startups in other industries by “giving away” free and relevant personal finance content on our website and blog Check us out!


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