Career Development

Why Saturday Morning is the new Thursday Night

So. Many. Events.

Networking nights. Meet ups. Luncheons. Workshops. Conferences. Speakers. Panels. Happy Hours.

I find myself in a constant state of which ones to attend, which ones to promote and share on social media, and when to host my own events for my job.

And they are all on weeknights. Great.

I don’t know about you, but weeknights are crazy. And I don’t even have kids!

Not only have I had a long day at work, but now there is a networking event at 6pm. Some things go through my mind:

  • Is this going to be worth it? How much money is the registration? Will I get reimbursed?
  • I have to rush through these emails so I can leave now to beat traffic.
  • Who is attending this thing?
  • I’m giving up going to the gym for this.
  • I’m starving. Is there going to be food?

My goal is to make the most of every situation. Regardless of the event, I always try to find a takeaway.

And walk in my apartment door at 9pm, to be at work in less than 12 hours.

**Tired face***

Then one day everything changed.

One of my colleagues, Yanyn San Luis, led the Inaugural FIU Women’s Alumni Council meeting…as a brunch… on a Saturday morning.

Mind blown.

The event was wildly successful: over 50 women attended to meet, network and connect. We created a brand new professional experience in a new and exciting way.

And, let’s face it, who doesn’t like brunch?

It completely changed my perspective on networking events. It was unique, innovative and special.

Here are 4 reasons to host, attend and support Saturday morning events:

  1. Saturday morning events support women and families: This time frame appeals to a larger demographic and cross section of professionals. Weeknights are filled with dinner, homework, school projects, afterschool activities, the list goes on. Plus, who is going to watch the kids at night? It’s much easier to find a sitter/friend/family member to watch the kids 2 hours on a Saturday morning than on a weeknight.
  2. Save your commute: Miami traffic is crazy at 6pm, regardless of where you are. 9am on Saturday? Not so much. An event 10 miles away will actually take 15 minutes to get there; not an hour.
  3. Be your best self: Wake up refreshed, showered and ready to attend an event in the morning. Bonus, feeling excited that you have your whole Saturday ahead of you!
  4. Reflect on your purpose: If you are the one planning the event, a Saturday morning event allows you to reflect on your programming and answer the question “Is someone going to wake up for this?” You have to be passionate about what you are creating, and know that your target audience is going to be jazzed about it too. This needs to be special. This needs to be different (maybe including espresso and mimosas!). This is a great time to reflect and determine if this event is going to be worth it…for you and your participants.

“But what about disconnecting on the weekends? Weekends are for family and friends!”

Here’s the thing.

I love free weekends. And most of them are. I am also firm believer of disconnecting from work.

However if given a choice, I would attend a Saturday morning workshop than a Thursday night workshop. And chances are I already have three event options to choose from on a Thursday, anyway.

I would encourage you to create and attend Saturday morning events.

Just make sure it will be worth your time.


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