Career Development

10 Unexpected Websites for Your Career Development

I have a lot of people ask me: what resources can you refer me to? There are a lot of expected websites that you think of when you hear career or job searching. They may include, CareerBuilder, Monster, you know, all the ones with job listings. My opinion is that interview searching (not job searching – you are searching for an interview, either an informational interview or for a full-time position) should be fun, engaging and informative. Below is my top 10 list to empower your career journey, and ones that may be a little off the beaten path.

Let me preface this that I don’t have time to check these websites every day, so a great way to get this information to come to you is by following their social media.

Bonus: when you find great articles and events, share on YOUR social media profiles to make YOU a source of information for people to follow!

10 Unexpected Websites for Your Career Development

10. Forbes
Outside of business, a lot of people miss this opportunity to check out the global trends and business articles. Forbes is for everyone, regardless of industry, to gain a greater understanding of economy, technology, investing, and management.


9. Fast Company
Business + Innovation = Fast Company. Creative articles and resources from the leaders who are changing the way organizations are run.


8. The LAB Miami
This shared space, startup hub located in the Wynwood Arts District, The LAB is leading the charge with engaging events, programs and education. Founded by The Knight Foundation, The LAB Miami is bringing innovation and opportunity for startups to thrive in south Florida.


7. Tech Cocktail
A community that connects start-ups, Tech Cocktail hosts networking events and posts articles around technology entrepreneurs and small businesses. Bonus: there is a Miami Chapter as well!


This website is the mother-load of all non-profit organizations, volunteer opportunities, advocacy/action and events. It’s a great resource to learn more about the organizations in your area and how you can serve in the community.


5. Eventbrite
I never thought of Eventbrite as a career resource, until I was trying to find my ticket for a Social Media Conference I was attending. By searching for networking events in your area, you can find upcoming professional and community events that are perfect for connecting with others.


4. TED
Sometimes we just need a little inspiration. Search TED to hear from the world’s best authors, speakers, and individuals that personal experience or story has the ability to make you think differently. Great to reference during an interview or networking small talk!


Ok, ok. This may seem like a plug, but there are 100s of events that happen at FIU per week—from distinguished speakers, to workshops, to networking opportunities, you name it. It’s important to always reengage with your alma mater to make sure you’re not missing on an upcoming events and programs.


2. Life Hacker
If you have a question, from communicating with hiring managers to job productivity, Life Hacker’s got an answer. A no frills site about making your life better.


1. Mashable
I visit Mashable at least once a day, reading about trends, social media, tech articles, etc. But in particular, The Muse, a section of Mashable, is real, in your face, modern career advice for the digital world. Most questions you have, type it in the search of Mashable, and there will be a related article for you there.

What unexpected career sites do you visit often? Share with us using #FIUalumni.

Written by Maria Tomaino, Associate Director for Alumni Career Services at the FIU Alumni Association.
Questions? Contact: @mtomain or

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